George Lincoln Rockwell was said to be “the greatest American who has ever lived” and this may be true especially for all those who people who, even after his death, are following his beliefs and principles. Rockwell was the founder of the white supremacist organization, American Nazi Party, which followed the ideals of Adolf Hitler. Aside from being a politician, Rockwell was also an activist, a magazine publisher and a commercial artist. He was assassinated in 1967 by John Patler, a former member of his organization. Here are some of his beliefs that are said to have put him in his miserable fate.
An All-White America
Rockwell has been known for his principle to have an all-White America. In fact, this is the same principle that the American Nazi Party was trying to uplift. Rockwell believed that America should only be inhabited by the White (and not “raceless”) people. He wanted to completely eradicate Black people, the Jews and their influence and other non-American races in the country. And although some of his followers found this very ideal, some considered this as racist and unjust.
An All-White Natural Allies
Apart from an all-White America, Rockwell also liked to consider other foreign White men as their brothers and sisters and allies when it comes to war. And this was true to all of the White men in Australia, Europe, South Africa and other parts of the world as long as they were White men. He called this the “White World Solidarity” in which he discouraged going to war just for the sake of minorities and aliens. Only goes to show how much he wanted an all-White world.
A New Society Order Looking at The Racial Value
Rockwell also wanted to reform the social order in which men are being ranked based on monetary value. He insisted a new social order that would rank men based on their racial value. He said that a man’s esteem and level must depend on his natural abilities to serve his own people and how he would play a valuable role for the sake of his race. Another one of his White men supremacy ideology, perhaps?
A More Faithful Economy
When it comes to the economy, Rockwell wanted to end the exploitation of America. He discouraged parasites and freeloaders that used America’s resources to profit but not giving anything in return. To simplify it, he wanted to eradicate foreign investors and capitalists who did not have long-term interests in the country. He was probably aware that in order to do so, he had to deal with the all the foreign investors and businessmen sustaining the economic growth of the country.
A Strong Defense Solely for the White People
Another white men supremacy ideal that Rockwell wanted to pursue was a high-level security for all the White men in the country not just for the external but also for the internal. He wanted to wipe out and destroy everyone and anyone that would cause terror and danger to the White race be it an individual or an organization. Rockwell wanted punishment for every threat and every crime caused to a White man or the whole White race.
A Reform in The Government
Rockwell also wanted to weed out government officials who he thought were incompetent, irresponsible and self-serving. He wanted to eradicate those on the position that would rise to the top while having hidden and unscrupulous agenda. He wanted to have a different kind of system wherein the White people would select for every level, even the miniscule ones, the best American for the position.
A Spiritual Reawakening
Rockwell also strongly believed that only through a spiritual reawakening of the American people would they achieve a healthy and fruitful racial community. He wanted to turn the American people into a new racial idealism path and not onto cynicism or materialism. This was altogether bringing the American people into a new faith and completely forgetting individual preferences.
A Pure White Men Culture
Rockwell thought that the American culture had been degraded by the addition of other racial and Jewish art and music appreciated by a portion of the nation. He said that White men must promote and must only subscribe and consume genuine White men art, literature and music. He insisted that only then would the youth appreciate and be on the right path for a cultural heritage, the Aryan culture.
A Healthy White Men Environment
Rockwell wanted a cleaner, healthier and a wholesome environment for the whole of America. And although eradicating pollution and promoting environment protection seemed to be a very ideal principle, he still made it a little racist. This was by adding that Americans should bring a new way of living that were not mandated by the races same as the rats but changing it into that of the Aryan men.
A Better, Supreme Race
Rockwell wanted to safeguard the future of the White men race. He said that in order to do this, people must place greater value to people instead of gadgets. He also believed that a generation was always a little better than the one before it and so they must instill to their youth the best qualities and characteristics the current generation has.
These are only some of the principles that George Lincoln Rockwell believed in and promoted. Some would find these very ideal but some would find it very racist and impartial. Do you think this has something to do with his assassination? Do you think he aggravated American people with a different race that time?